Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To blog or not to blog?

I guess i have to begin from somwhere. i set up this blog site to write on what i think about the word worship. Since i was a teeneager i've always believed that the word takes on more than jsut the musical value given to it. To me, worship is more about being a tool useful to the exalting of God for who He is, and all that He has done. worship becomes a lifestyle, a moment by moment thing. Using each moment to reverace the name of the Lord.

To add to this, i've also come to learn that God is ever-present. that is, God is right there where you are as you are reading this. At times, we aa=only acknowledge the prescene of our almighty Father when we enter a place where an 'environment' is created. Where we feel his Holiness. It makes a great difference if we realise that God is there with us. When we need Him to be there, when we dont really mind, when we haven't thought about His being there and yes, when we'd have hoped He wasn't around to see what we'd have just done. But God is ever-present. it is with this in mind, that we should always look at ourselves, look at our lifestyles and ask, as God is with me in this present time, is He a proud parent. i've found that whenever i take time to think that God is with me in every moment, i'm at peace and i feel a sense of protected love.

It ususally leads me to a point of wanting to thank God for being there for me. Especially considering that at times, though there are many people who care, there isn't anyone to express oneself to; Not in every moment. and so i open myself up to my Creator, the Ever-present One who cheers me on and find myself singing; praying a prayer of thanksgiving; worshiping

So thats what this blog is about. adding my reflections as i go through the day with God. Also, i'll be writing about the part words play in our lives towards worship; our every word and the impact of music on our worship.

To the greater glory of God.

1 comment:

A Passion For Your Cause said...

God bless you, inspiring writing.You are making a difference by writing...