Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The story of a Shofar

On sunday in church, an elderly man came and played the Shofar; that Jewish trumpet made from a Ram's horn. As he played it, something came to mind. i realised that if anything, the shofar is probably one of those instruments that has not changed much since the days of the old testament, save that people nowadays make synthetic ones but not withstanding that, i had an idea.

Seeing as the instrument has not changed much, i thought to myself as i heard it play, perchance that man is playing the same note as was played by Joshua as they went into battle or perhaps its more like the one they played when David danced his clothes off. i realised that such instruments were surely weapons of war as in the day of Jehoshaphat; prophesying, singing, making a stand for the Lord.

This is what i imagined it to be saying:

"I am a trumpet, a shofar, made from the days of old. I have been and shall speak. i speak of victories of the Lord in the days of old. I shout out, do you not see that God, the Lord Almighty is a good God. I will testify of His praises today and forevermore. i have been around throughout the ages. I was on the lips of Abraham as he gave Jehovah Adonai the praise. His sovereignty was seen in that day. I watched as King David danced to my blasts as i proclaimed Him El-Shadai and Jehovah Rohi , for in that day, He was all sufficient. In that day, you were truly the shepherd to whom an entire nation turned to in thanksgiving. I saw the day of the Lord when King Jehoshaphat praised me saying Jehovah Nissi, his Banner raised up against the stand of the enemy.

On the day the Saviour was born, the angelic hosts declared Holy Holy, Jehovah Sabaoth, for they had seen your salvation plan borne in the flesh. i sang across the starry sky and worshiped in that day. Today, i look back at all my days and count myself blessed. i recount my tale anew as i am played today. For in this day, i have seen the Lord, Jehovah Shammah, Emmanuel at work within His people"

It seems novel now to think that such an instrument could be saying that, but then there isn an instrument that has surely been there since that first day in the garden. It is not as hard to come by as a shofar. In fact, it was made in such abundance that there has been enough for every single person. That instrument is a mouth. Since time immemorial it has been there, awarding each person the opportunity to come up with their own song of praise and exaltation.

What song have you sung; what song shall you sing? you have the ability to raise the standard; to lift up an aromatic offering of worship.

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